Tributes paid to mental health charity CEO who passed away this week

Tributes have been paid to Lea Milligan, the chief executive of mental health charity MQ Mental Health Research, who passed away this week following a sudden illness.

Lea had been CEO of MQ since 2020 and an executive council member of the Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC) since last year.

Prior to joining MQ, he was chief executive of hospital ship charity Mercy Ships UK.

In a statement MQ said the charity’s thoughts are with Lea’s children, family, friends and colleagues.

“He has had a huge impact across all of the many organisations and projects he was involved in and leaves behind a tremendous legacy of positivity and change,” the charity added.

“Lea was passionate about mental health and had a transformational impact on MQ. He worked hard to strengthen and develop an incredible team who will continue the momentum he started. Thank you for everything Lea. We will miss you.”

Meanwhile, AMRC said: “Lea's passion and commitment at MQ has done so much to raise the profile of mental health, and he was a highly-respected AMRC member and trustee.

“We were lucky to work with Lea more closely when he joined the AMRC Board earlier this year, and are so grateful for his wisdom and insight.

“Lea will be greatly missed by all of us at AMRC, and by those across our wider community.

“We send our love and condolences to Lea's family, friends and the whole team at MQ.”

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