Charities central to government efforts to tackle violence against women, says Home Office

The Home Office has said the expertise and support of the charity sector is vital to tackling violence against women and girls.

The government department has made the commitment to involving charities in its Tackling violence against women and girls strategy.

Charities, councils, schools and the private sector all have a role to play in combating violence against women by working in partnership, it says.

“Everyone must play a role – we need national and local government, charities, schools, colleges, universities, businesses and the private sector, local communities and others to all work together,” it says.

“Partnerships at a local and regional level should be striving to ensure better joint working and more effective interventions,” it adds.

As part of the strategy charities will be asked to work with councils and transport operators to tackle unwanted sexual behaviour on public transport. This will be overseen by a Department for Transport ‘violence against women and girls transport champion’.

In addition, the Home Office is to consult with charities on dangers sex workers face.
The work of charities to end female genital mutilation is also noted in the strategy, and will be made available to professionals that support women in a resource pack.

Home Secretary Priti Patel said: "I do not accept that violence against women and girls is inevitable. This strategy will help bring about real and lasting change."

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